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Advice on moving away...

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    Advice on moving away...

    Hi hi! So I haven't been on in nearly a year ha...
    I loved to my ldr so and we have been together here for nearly 9 months.

    I was recently given the opportunity to move to another state eithba very close friend and she is very excited about this.

    My so currently has plans to leave for the military and is in the process of dropping weight to sign up and go to basic training.
    He has two black labs. Our fur babies...
    well when I move away he wants me to take them with me as he will hopefully be leaving for basics trading by that time. However, I know taking them with me will severely limit my housing options and activities as two large dogs need lots of activity.

    I love them very much and of I had more of an income to work with i would take them... But now I dont think I will be able to...

    My problem is that I feel as if my boyfriend blames me for their welfare if I cannot take them. His mom has threatened to sell them or take them to the pound if he did not find them a place and if I do not take them...

    I'm so torn I don't know what to do...