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Writing a book

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    Writing a book

    Dearest people.

    For a school assign I'm creating a little book within thoughts and feelings. I need help from people all over the world! I need your voices.

    Whether you are in love or out of love, single or attached, the book is a forum for anyone to share their feelings and experiences. It is a chance to get something off your chest, to put words to thoughts that might be too complicated to speak aloud. But it is also a moment to pause and celebrate the best of relationships, to reflect on how lucky we are.

    If you want to join. Please include your first name, age, and country. Your identity will only be listed with this information. However, if you would prefer to write under a pseudonym, or be completely anonymous, that’s fine, too – please state in your letter.

    How to get involved:

    #1. Write a note to your significant other and describe the way they let you feel.


    #2. Write a note to someone that broke your heart big time, without judgement.


    Faustine from The Netherlands
    Last edited by Faus; January 14, 2016, 03:48 PM.