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Long distance couple and feeling I’m not worth it.

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    Long distance couple and feeling I’m not worth it.

    Hi I’m Kieran and me and my now wife have been in a long distance relationship for 3 years now between U.K. and Brazil. We got married in March and are now in the Visa process which should be completed soon.
    We have good relationship although last year or so the Long distance side of it has been up and down. Whenever we see each other it’s always perfect, but the long distance side is sometimes hard because we fight over things that we shouldn’t (Obviously this is expected, fights are normal) but we almost see each other as different people when talking via texts and such, and things get interpreted wrong and it has just caused a lot of problems.

    At the moment we are waiting for the visa to be processed and it’s close to being done, we have these same moments when we fight over things we shouldn’t and my wife often doesn’t realise things easily and she will take along time to get over something even if it’s small and only misinterpreted.

    This causes me to get very anxious and nervous as she is leaving her family and everything she has known to come and live with me and during those down times I feel like I’m not worth it. Her family are amazing and she is very very close with them, she is going to find it so hard to leave them and I often think “all for me?”. I’ve spoken to her and she says I’m worth it, I love her unconditionally, for me I’m not losing anything only gaining my soulmate.

    I worry I won’t be good enough once she is here, although the past times there is no evidence of this apart from long distance which we know can easily be taking a different way, but this negativity from that is making me lose faith in my self if I can be good enough of to match what she is losing.

    I’m wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this, I believe we will be fine and after a period of her getting used to her new life she will be okay. But these thoughts are getting to me and I don’t want them to, I want to only focus on being happy and excited for us to be together after 3 years and to focus on being the best husband I can be, she deserves it so much.

    I’ve wanted to get it off my chest, and see if other people have dealt with a similar situation.

    Thank you