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    The SO and myself have decided upon a first meet while we are waiting to close the distance.

    Not sure if any of you remember my story (it's a long one, and I don't blame you if you didn't read it- it was like, a book!)

    But, my SO is also my ex husband. We were married when we were in our early 20's. I was young and stupid, and thought I wanted something different, so I left. Fast forward twenty some years later, and we wind up in the same state a mere 4.5 hours away from each other. We reconnected a few months back, and due to life situations, we have not closed the distance yet.


    We are making plans right now, to meet up on October 12th, which is the date of our anniversary.

    I am so excited, I am beside myself. But, I am also nervous. He loved me crazily at one time, but that was over 20 years ago. What if he is not as attracted to me as he once was? 20 years is a long time.