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Am I too sensitive/overreacting?

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    Am I too sensitive/overreacting?

    This is going to sound so stupid and small, but I honestly have no idea if I overreacted or not. So, me and my boyfriend were talking and I said how I don't want to go in the ocean because I'm scared of sharks, and he was like oh well you have a slim chance of getting attacked. I know that, but I still don't want to go in the ocean, its a fear of mine and he was like oh well you know you can get killed just by going outside and I felt really hurt and like I offended him, just by not wanting to go into the ocean. Before that we were talking about something and I brought something up that I did only one other time because it pertained to what we were talking about. He was like oh yeah you tell me this every week and I was like no I don't, I only did once and I'm just thinking to myself like wow I don't understand where the hostility is coming from and then he got super mad at me over the whole me swimming in the ocean thing. Like he doesn't even go to the beach, so why would it matter? Also its a personal choice and not me shoving it down other people's throats. I just need somebody else's input on whether or not I'm overreacting or not. Thanks!