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Birthday visit

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    Birthday visit

    Hey y'all. I know I haven't posted much lately but I thought I'd let y'all know about what happened yesterday/this morning. Backing up to not this past week but the week before, Alex said he wanted to visit me this weekend for his birthday. I was thrilled at the idea and we planned to do just that but then last weekend he figured out he didn't have the money so he was just gonna stay home. It made me sad but that was all right as I'd rather him save money than spend what he doesn't have. Fast forward to yesterday morning. Alex called me at about 10 and said, "Hey, would you be okay if my parents picked you up and then I drove down and we all hung out?" Needless to say I was thrilled at the idea. So his parents came and picked me up and took me shopping at Costco and bought me lots of clothing for the fall/winter season and then we met up with Alex and all went out for lunch and it was great to be with him. We went to a movie all together and then Alex got a haircut (basically all of it cut off which he wasn't happy about the length). Then Alex and I went back to my dorm room and he stayed the night and got up at six and drove back home.

    It's strange, I've never had a visit that short before. The shortest visit we had before this was a week long. So I didn't really go through the emotions I usually do on a visit (excitement then eventual dread at the fact that I would have to leave soon). I was just happy he was there... but then at 5:40 when we woke up and he put on his clothes and gathered his things and I walked with him to his car and he drove away it was really really hard. Overall it was a wonderful visit. However, I think I should not text him when I'm crying and half asleep. ^^;;