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New to ldr

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    New to ldr

    I recently started to get into an LDR with someone from Tanzania (I'm from the UK). I went to climb Kilimanjaro, had extreme altitude sickness and had to come back down. I'd really hit it off with our guide due to being solely with him the whole time (he's seen me at my worse)! The rest of our group were together but I was on my own, further back. We'd spent 4 days on the climb by then.

    After the few days when he and my group got back, I was so happy to see him and vice versa. We then kept going to talk to each other whenever we could, as friends or so I thought. We only had a day together by then.

    We said we wanted to stay in touch, swapped numbers and at the airport, I didn't want to say goodbye but didn't realise why it was so tough. When I landed in London, I messaged him to say we'd landed and his messages to me suddenly were obvious he liked me. I freaked out that first week - tried to stay level headed thinking I missed the whole experience, the place, the people etc but after 6 days realised I liked him too and he was mainly who I missed.

    We've fallen fast for each other and both trying to hold back to an extent until I go back over in Feb to see him. It's hard not telling family and friends but we said until we see each other, it's better. We message/ring most days (dependent on his internet connection which isn't the best). Already trying to stay occupied and not caught up on obsessing why he might not have messaged me back or overthinking things.

    I don't know how things will go especially as nothing's happened yet - the most we've done is hug each other. But I realised after I got back that that's why I kept being drawn to him and why it was so hard to say bye at the airport. He said it was seeing me in such a bad way on Kilimanjaro before I went back down that made him realise he had feelings for me.

    As this is all new, it's good to know there's support like this forum as I'm still trying to take it all in!