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    First of all hello to everyone!

    My and my bf have been dating since December 2011, it started as LDR because we met on my holidays back home. After that he visited me,I visited him and in summer of 2012 we moved in together. We lived together until January 2013 because I moved to Holland for 5 months(Uni exchange). He visited me here but now he's back living with his parents and with no job.
    He s just staying in house 24/7, because he has no money, he's just depressed and doesnt even want to do anything. we uesd to text and call each other a few times a day but its too expensive now, tho we talk a few hours a day on skype. Whenever I have problems he always compares it with his and doesnt help me with it. Now we end every skype video with an argument and me crying. I know I still love him and he loves me, but speaking to him on skype doesnt make me happy anymore, I still miss him then I think about him but not then we speak... He suggested not to communicate at all for some time or take a break which I told him wont work for me.. He also suggested breaking up because we not happy anymore... but I dont know... After 2 months I will go home for the summer but I will have to find a job right away because I need to save up for my last year in uni. Also after summer hes planning to go back to uni to finish his degree so we would have to communicate like that .... Our one year anniversary is a week away... he said he doesnt even want to do anything special and he doesn't want to write me a letter or do any other surprises...
    I dont know what to do, should we actually just let go? How could we change it if not?
    Last edited by vicci; May 2, 2013, 09:30 AM.