This has been on my mind a lot lately and seeing the thread come up every time I check LFAD doesn't help! Both my SO and I are at places in our life where we actually want to start a family but have been putting that on hold for a few years..

Our initial plan was to be separated for 5 years, time for my SO to finish his degree and for me to work on my career here. It's been 3 years already and we're both eager to get back together under one roof so my certification project is a win-win deal for us.. But we can't start a family just yet

As many of you know, in about 4months I'm moving to where my SO is and will be studying for a year, then hopefully will do OPT for a year (optional practical training). A part of me is very much afraid I'll get pregnant while being there. I won't be able to give 100% to the OPT as I'll be on construction sites and nobody in his right mind will let a pregnant lady walk on a ledge, I don't even think I'd like to do so knowingly... And if I can't continue with the OPT I'll be sent back home and the student visa route is the only one for us right now so we're stuck..

There isn't a week that passes where my SO doesn't talk about our babies, send my mom videos about her future grandkids, talks about parenting; it totally makes me melt! I've been ready for this for a long time but waited for him in silence to get there at his own pace and now that he's there I'm so excited, starting to get impatient and at the same time totally scared because this is not the right thing to do anytime soon, still have to wait out 2 years...

I guess this is more of a vent kind of a blog, but if anyone has anything to share that might help with the fight between my heart and head it's always welcome thank you for reading.