...Figured if i wanted to keep reading the blogs i need to contribute somehow

So, it's almost been 3 weeks since i left home and closed the distance. Still feels a little bit surreal, but i'm starting to get a hang of it. Starting to miss my family too even though i Skype with them almost everyday. I know from all of you (and a little common sense) that it will take a while to get adjusted, so i'm taking it slow...

Time with my SO has been fantastic! I had missed it so much!! Playing house with him has been great. He's so supportive and sweet, making me feel like the luckiest woman on earth It's making me realize more and more the extent of our bond and why we are made for eachother.

He can read me like a book, directly notices when something is bothering me and says all the right thing to comfort me. He's worried i'll miss home and my family too much, seeing as he's been through the same thing 3 years ago (except for the leaving me behind part). The good thing though is that we've started a few little projects for our home. He's been waiting for a long time to do a few of these things, but wanted us to do them together. These past couple of weeks we've been organizing, sorting and de-cluttering our things. Trying to sort out now whats for sale, whats for donation, what goes to the trash, and what goes into storage until we ship our things back home with us.

so this is what's been keeping me occupied lately, and we're working on a few home business ideas to contemplate. it will give us a little push financially, if not a second income, and i'll feel like less of a leech

Uni starts next week, only have 3 courses though, so that's not too much work. waiting for things to really start so i can manage my time better and be a bit more active.

Thinking of all you guys here a lot!