It's been a really long time since I didn't share anything on here, either in the form of a blog or on the OMM thread; not for a lack of wanting but I just couldn't find the time.
Today though it feels like i'm about to explode and i need to let off some of that pressure somewhere so it's become a necessity. I wish it weren't so!
For the sake of staying sane, this blog will be in OMM form.

It's the last 10 days of the semester and i'm swamped with assignments and studying for my exams. very stressed over them, especially since in one of my courses my grades aren't that good and i'm a really nerdy student that wants a 4.0 GPA (will settle for 3.8)... At least it will be all over soon!

The Green Monster:
Money has been tight recently. My parents are dealing with a lot of things on their plate at this time and i don't want to ask for help. Especially not now that there's the possibility of an official "war" in Syria. I want them to have as much cash as possible to flee if it ever came to that. (that's a separate OMM item). My SO is having payment issues at his workplace too and with our impending move things are adding up...

I've been in charge of finding us a place to move. We need to be out by the end of the month and we still haven't found a place. the only one we've applied to so far seems to be going in favor of another applicant (we'll find out for sure on monday). It's been crazy, i've been looking up ads everywhere, calling, making appointments, going to open houses... The only positive thing is that we've met a very nice young lady and decided to pair up in our search and move in together.

Health: (might be TMI)
I've been having recurrent UTIs. It's been a real pain. In july, after the second i went to the doctor's here and they prescribed antibiotics. I was on them for only two days and stopped because i couldn't handle the side effects. It was crazy! my body was completely out of whack for about three weeks (and Rach was here for her visit barely cooked for her )
Enter this month, have one of the most painful periods i've had in a very long time, on the last two days UTI kicks in. I start an antibiotic treatment for a week with antibiotics i brought from home that i'm used to . Ate lots of yogurt, still felt messed up and extremely tired but nothing like on macrobid and ended up with a yeast infection!! :'( it's been a feast. Got a home treatment for that and have finally been done with it since yesterday and now am PMSing like never before....

SEX and Intimacy:
Because of the above it's been 3 weeks since we've made love, and with the heat here in LA cuddles are out of the question. I just get very cranky and bitter and it's a cycle.. Plus the PMS thing is not helping at all! i know i'm making this a lot worse than it actually is, but i feel like crap and i really want to feel desired... Hope we can find a little time for us this weekend..
Thank you Zephii and Rach for sharing this week. Your words have helped even if i kept in the shadows about it!

Those of you who follow the news are aware of the tension in my part of the world at this time. In the past couple of weeks there has been car bombings, over 60 people lost their lives and about 700 injured. I'm scared, and helpless.. Just holding on to hope that this won't be forever. I've been in this all my life, but i don't want it to be my children's too. I worry about my family and feel guilty for being away and "safe". My only comfort is my SO understands and shares this with me... I also have relatives in Syria and not a day goes by where i don't look at the news looking for the name of their town..

I've found a job!!! i'll be starting in January to work in a nice architecture firm in Santa Monica and i'm very very very excited!! Looking for a part time on campus job now for the 3 months left so i can earn a little $$ and contribute.

Food is always on my mind i'm craving some of my daddy's pasta. I'll try and make some this weekend. And Pizza! Can you tell i'm craving all sorts of foods that are bad for me?
My brother just started his pastry chef program in Paris, and i have to admit, the pictures he's sending me are torture!!! At least i convinced him to share a recipe with me today heheh.

Breaking Bad:
It deserves it's own spot because it's Friday and there's only 2 more days until next episode. This series is just fantastic!! the human aspect of it is fascinating!

Thank you for letting me rant!