It seems like with every gamer I date they seem to find that one game that makes them forget everything else but the game.

My boyfriends friend recently bought him a game for them to play together and it seems like it's all he wants to do lately. On Sunday I asked if he wanted to watch a movie with me on Skype later on in the evening, he said maybe and it became a no because he ended up playing the game with his friend. On Monday I asked if he wanted to hang out on Skype or play a game with me, he said "Possibly", and that didn't happen. Oh wait, he did call me on Skype so we could talk while he played the game (after me asking). Tuesday, yesterday, we didn't really do anything. I asked if we could hang out online and he said he wanted to stream the game on Twitch so I ended up helping him out with that and watching him play the game over Twitch. Just now I asked if he was up for doing anything tonight and he said he just wants to play the game for now.

He usually initiates a call when he's gotten home from work (usually 10:00-11:00), and he hadn't voluntarily done that in over a week.

He is the 4th avid gamer I've dated and always always they find a game that consumes them so much that they don't even notice my efforts to spend time with them or get why I'm inquiring about their plans and time (hint buddy: it's because I want to spend some time with you).

Ironic considering when we first met and were talking about issues with our exes I mentioned the fight I had with my last boyfriend over the fact that the guy wanted to give up Skype because it made his games lag when he was playing and on Skype, which was our primary form of contact. And he was like "Wow I can't believe he actually chose a game over you." Well right now that's how I'm feeling. All week when I've been asking him about hanging out online or doing something together it's been maybe, possibly, I don't know. It kind of hurts my feeling when I often receive such an unsure answer. It's like playing a game religiously is potentially more enticing than spending time with me. I also noticed when we play games together or hang out together he gets burnt out much earlier. He's usually done by midnight, but as of late he's been up as late as 3am playing that game with his friends. It makes me feel like I'm not that interesting to him.