So it's 54 days till my SO is back. Working out flight arrangements is the easiest part. Next is helping him find permanent accommodations and a job.

And that's just for starters.

My SO is fairly forward thinking, and hopes that the place he gets will be on a rent-to-own basis, so hopefully the two of us can really have it when I'm ready to leave my parents' home. He's also aiming to go to law school next year, so that's also a big thing to prepare for. He's been wanting to do it for years, but unfortunately work and financial constraints have always been in the picture.

I wish I could help more, but being a doctor still working her way into a specialization (still have to pass the boards, still need to apply to my residency of choice) doesn't give me much stability, not for a long time at least. Of course family and friends think, "Oh you're a doctor, you'll be okay." The truth is that a young resident doesn't make very much.

I've been open with my SO about these concerns since they do affect how we can start life together, both in the short term as we're setting up our careers, as well as down the road when we're married and living together. I want it all, and part of it is that I want to help my partner have the same chance to reach his dream and do a lot of good where we are.

But when one is faced with almost empty pockets and way too much work, it seems too far off.