Not really sure how to start this as this is simply just a little expression so here goes...

I have been an avid member of LDR's for a long time and joined this website back in 2017 though I had been in LDR's before that time. It was so refreshing to find a thriving community of like minded people and couples who understood what it meant to be in a long distance committed relationship. To be the only one in groups of friends in an LDR with people who didn't understand or where just not interested in knowing and amusing their own weird accusations why was hard and it put strain on some aspects of my life. Most of them would sneer and comment on a person they had never met before or didn't care to get to know even when I would make the effort with their perspective partners. It was rough as friends are suppose to be walls of support. Thankfully my family where very accepting and understanding and where complete rocks of support for my choice, helping me deal with the good and bad days, giving advice and being there when I needed them, which was a great relief and a massive weight lifted from my shoulders. Having huge support from those close to you can be so beneficial to ones mental heath when dealing with a long distance relationship.

It has been sometime since I have been to this website but I always knew this was a place and community I could turn to for advice and opinions on any issues or worries I have had. The sense of belonging and family here is overwhelming and amazing to witness how as a collective we can simply by sharing one trait in LDR's that we can lift, inspire, encourage and help one another to sift through our insecurities and worries with like minded people. This community has given me so much courage and advice over the years that I simply cannot thank enough for. I recently began a new LDR this year and it was a big decision for me to do so, it has it's ups and downs, good days and bad days but I am humbled in the knowledge to have this community to turn to if I ever need advice.

I was nervous to write this blog as it's not something I have ever done before but getting things off my chest and just simply venting to people who understand can be a breath of fresh air. We are all in the same boat, same issues and worries but as a community we are powerful and strong and we are not alone.

LDR'S are hard and are not for everyone but I just want to wish all of you the best of luck and good vibes for the future no matter how far the distance or how many years till the distance is closed. Happiness knows no bounds and Love definitely knows no distance!

Good luck guys!