Today [Last night, it wouldn't let me post] Newton confided in me that he had a minor crush on one of the girls at his school that he's begun to be pretty good friends with. Hearing it was a little heartbreaking, but I don't blame him entirely... he didn't act on any feelings, and he said that he doesn't like her anymore. It apparently took him awhile to tell me, but I'm glad he did. He also apologized over and over again... It helps that I know I can trust him and know that he's completely honest with me. Now onto the part that scares me... hearing about how he could like someone else made me realize how vulnerable our relationship really is. I realized that I've been taking our relationship for granted because things just have seemed to work out, and we're both planning for a future together. I'm scared because I got a personalized wake up call that reminded me that everything that has been perfect in my life for the past 11 months can come crashing down at any given moment if we let it. It made me realize how much work an LDR is and how much we both have to cherish it. We spent awhile talking on the phone and Skype tonight and worked things out to a point where we both know we're okay, but it doesn't ease the sudden feelings of "I could lose him". I trust him with all my heart and I love him more than anything, but I'm still scared... it brings back a lot of the vulnerability from past experiences in my life where people that I truly cared for suddenly left me. I know we're going to be okay, as long as we work at it on a daily basis, which I know we can (we've been doing it!) He keeps telling me that he still wants to marry me as long as I still want to marry him, and I told him that I don't want to marry anyone else