So for the past two months, someone nearby (too close for comfort who lives 5 minutes away from me) has been texting and calling me never leaving me alone. He was someone I worked with. I gave him my contacts for needing rides to and from work, and he used my contacts for something else. Now I found a new job, but still he tries to talk to me as more than friends. Another reason why I hope this long distance works out. Nearby stalker even had the audacity to sometimes actually show up to my apartment uninvited. We've had this discussion in person several times how I said I'm not interested in him and that I have a long distance interest and just because it's not working out with the long distance interest right now, I'm not giving up. I didn't want to be a bitch about rejecting nearby stalker and I've exhausted all nice excuses and he still continues to call and text me. You'd think he'd give up when I keep making up excuses that are legit to not hang out with him. I've ignored him for two months straight. The most I've said to him was one word, "busy" and that was actually responding to him once.

This book does take up a lot of my time and I don't even hang out with people I want and like to hang out with because I want to finish writing this book. I've said to him I don't want to hang out with anyone at least until July and he keeps trying to get a hold of me every freaking WEEK anyway.

I know some times my ldr won't respond to me purposely and he ignores me like I ignore my stalker before we had the talk, but the difference is he actually is interested in me and I am interested in him back. If my ldr hung out with me in person he wouldn't be a dick to me right now he knows he'd love me if we ever got the chance to hang out. It's just that this distance is maddening and is bringing out the worst in us. Every time I feel like I wanna text my ldr something, instead of messaging my ldr, I'll write a few sentences in my book in replacement.