I have a feeling this blog entry will just be a big mess of thoughts, as most of mine are. xD I guess I tend to write my blogs in the style of stream-of-consciousness lol.

I had one of the best times I've had in awhile last night. I went bowling with 6 other friends and then went to a restaurant for half price appetizers! It was a blast! I actually bowled relatively well, too...I bowled a 144 and a 104. Yeah, my younger brother got the bowling genes. =P My friends are so awesome, and kept me laughing the entire night. For the most part, it was a fun time...just getting to spend some time with friends and get my mind off of my LDR for a little while. Or so I thought. I can never not have Anthony on the brain, so he kept popping into my mind, and I kept telling myself to just have fun with my friends. In the back of my mind, I wished he was there with me too. When we got to the restaurant, it was about 10pm and I still hadn't heard from Anthony at all that day. So, I decided to text him. We had a pretty good conversation, and I found out he'd had dinner at the same restaurant I was at with friends! He also seemed concerned for me at one point because I was getting tired and had to drive myself back home from my friend's house. He texted me "Well, be safe. <3" He's so adorable! *sigh*

I'm so happy it's finally May! That means we're temporarily closing the distance 18 days from today! I posted a status on FB this morning about it being the first of May, and how I want to see Water For Elephants. (The main character is referred to as a "First of May"). I read the book two summers ago, and I LOVED it. I got Anthony to read it in September of 2009 and he thought it was amazing! So, once he comes home, we're going to go see it together...I don't know if I told him or not, but I want to take him to dinner and to see Water For Elephants for his birthday. His birthday was in March, and he had to go back to school before I had a chance to treat him for his birthday so I promised him in May I'd take him out. It'll be so much fun! So, he "liked" that status and sent me a text saying "Happy first of May lol", which made me smile. Early this morning, he posted a FB status about getting into this new book from a floor mate, and he knows what he'll be doing for the next few weeks of school. (Meaning he'll be reading). I said to myself "Greeeat, another thing to keep him busy lol." He tends to be pretty busy as is, and sometimes go about 2 days without talking to each other, no texting either....I don't like texting first because I'm afraid of sounding annoying, so I tend to wait for him to text me first. I get a little frustrated if we don't get to talk every day, but I'm getting better and I'm extremely understanding that he's busy at school. I never get mad at him for that, though...I get mad at the situation and I usually feel much better the second I get a text from him. I keep busy with my own schoolwork, friends, family and projects too, so I'm not just sitting by my phone. I'm just afraid that now that he's reading books again, he may be too busy for me. I'm sure that won't be the case, but I tend to always think the worst...I hate thinking like this. It's a huge battle I'm constantly in with myself. But, I've been working on it, and am getting more positive and feeling more comfortable with the relationship, knowing that we can go a few days without communication and we'll be fine. =] As expected, this blog is all over the place. SORRY! XD I miss Anthony so much, and I am so excited and anxious to hold him in my arms again, and to give him the biggest kiss ever! I really love him! <3 He is just awesome, and I am now rambling about him...oy! I should just spend an entire blog entry writing about how much I love Anthony. I'll save that for another time, though. 18 days...18 days....that's my mantra right now. Keeping me going. I need to stay focused on the end goal, closing the distance. (Even if it is temporary). I have 3 days of school left, then 2 days off, the weekend, and 4 days of finals. Then, I'll have to keep myself occupied for about 6 days. Finally, on May 19th, I will be starting work for the summer....AND that's the big night! Anthony will be moving back home from college that day, and will probably get home a few hours after my shift at work ends, so we will be back in each other's arms for the entire summer!!!! I'm going to wrap this up now, because I doubt anyone is reading this anymore, or if they are, they could care less about my timeline. xD Until the next entry!