So, I found out before that my boyfriend will be moving home a day earlier than expected! He just bought his train ticket, and will be moving from his dorm on Wednesday as opposed to Thursday!!! 4 more days until he's home! This doesn't seem real yet, and I'm waiting for it to really set in that we're going to be close distance for 3.5 months! I know I keep saying this in almost every blog entry, and I sound like a broken record, but I'm just so excited! Also, we're together 9 months on Tuesday! I probably won't get to see him on Wednesday, though. =[ His train leaves at 14:30 and he should get into New York City by 22:00 or so. Then, it's an approximately 45 minute train ride to our hometown from there, and his ETA in our hometown is 23:00. It'd be wonderful to see him that night, but I am not getting my hopes up that he will stop by my house to surprise me on his way back to his house. Hmm...maybe he will ask me to pick him up at the train station and help him move his things back to his house! Chances are, we'll get to see each other again on Thursday, though. What's one more day "apart?" It's do-able, though the fact that he'll be a mile away from me will make me that much more excited to finally see him again. I can't wait to see him!!! I will be giving him a huge hug and a kiss and I will not be letting go when I get to finally be reunited with him. There will be lots of "I love you"s and "we did it, we got through the distance!"s. Damn, this is so it Wednesday or Thursday yet?