It's been some time since I've last written a blog entry. I've been busy with work and my summer class and my SO. Plus, I can't think of what to write lol. I'm totally not procrastinating studying for a chemistry test or anything like that at all. </FullOfShit>

Anyway, I'm probably just going to rant for awhile about my chem course. I hate chemistry. With a burning passion. This is the second time I'm taking this course, and so far it hasn't been as bad as I thought it'd be. The professor is amazing, which is surprising. My professor last semester was HORRIBLE. He couldn't teach, and he was the harshest grader I've ever had to deal with. My first test of the summer class went very well. I don't know how I managed it, but I pulled out a 94 on it! In the spring, I got a 40 on that test. So, that's good that I could step it up from the start. The topics on this next test...oh boy. Last semester, I literally got a 9 on this test. 9 out of 100. Yeeeeeah. I am scared out of my mind to take it this time around, but there's no way I can do THAT poorly again. I understand a little more than 9% of the material this time. =P I still am so terrified of doing poorly and ruining my good average. I talked to my SO this morning, telling him how lost I was on this stuff. He took AP chemistry about 3 years ago, and was able to come over and help me for the last test. This time around...he doesn't remember these topics and he did badly on them in high school! D: So, I have ZERO help on this. I'm on my own. I have about 15 hours until the test, so I need to step it up and make myself understand it before I go to bed tonight. At least there's only 8 classes left, and then I'm free for the rest of the summer! Granted, I'll be working my crappy full time job 5 days a week, but it's better than not working. Anyway, I'd say rant over. Sorry to those still Will keep you posted on how I do.