Have you ever had a really vivid, realistic dream that you could have sworn actually happened? Well, have you had it be a nightmare like that? It's really scary!

Last night, I had this dream. My SO and his next door neighbor (who is a lot younger than us and looks up to my boyfriend like a brother) and I were hanging out in my front yard. Well, it got really dark all of a sudden and a car pulled up to my house. A few idiots my SO and I graduated high school with climbed out and I think they were drunk in the dream. They started destroying my yard and my house, and began to beat the shit out of me. I fought back as much as I could, but I couldn't do much to make them stop. Anthony started to fight back and he yelled to them "if you fucking lay a hand on her again, I'll kill you!". He tried so hard to fight them, but they kept pummeling me. Anthony picked me up, and carried me. He tried to get me to safety, and I think he was going to pin me against the house to protect me. As he was carrying me, my back was to the other jerks. One of them came up to me and said "I'm gonna cut you." and pulled out a razor blade and started slicing my back with it. I was screaming in horror and pain and I began bawling my eyes out. I woke up instantly and felt my back to see if it really happened. I was so relieved to know it was only a dream, but it was fucked up! I told my boyfriend about it when he drove me to school this morning, and he put his arm around me and told me it's okay. This was the most brutal and disturbing dream I've ever had in my life...*shudder* Although, when I woke up, I was glad that my SO had been sticking up for me and was fighting back in the dream. It made me really think about how much he cares about me and how much he loves me.