It's been some time since I last blogged. I think it's time for another one. A lot has happened over the past few weeks, and it's all good!

Anthony and I celebrated our 1 year Anniversary on August 17th. We went to a local beach, which is gorgeous! There's a 2 mile trail to walk that goes through the dunes and there's just wildlife around you. It was so beautiful walking this path along the wooden boards, my feet in step with his, hand in hand. We then walked over to the lighthouse, which is perched along the seashore. It was enormous and beautiful! We walked to a dock by the bay and we just sat there admiring the beauty of the day, the shoreline, the boats, each other. Then, we walked back the 2 mile path and went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. It was such a beautiful night! He bought me these 8-bit flowers from thinkgeek and beautiful earrings from thinkgeek. The earrings have an electron micrograph image of the neurotransmitter dopamine on them and it is just so cute! I am a huge biology nerd, so it was perfect! His card was just the sweetest...he told me he'd love me forever and beyond that. <3

My family had a benefit concert in my dad's backyard to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. My brother is a type-1 diabetic, so it's a cause that hits home for us. Anthony spent the weekend with me out at my dad's house during this event. It was a success and we raised over $2100 for the cause! The event was so much fun, and we danced the night away to the sound of 5 totally unique bands. One of the highlights for me was when one band played "Brown Eyed Girl" and Anthony asked me to dance! That's one song that he associates with me, so we danced together to one of our songs. Both of us just stared into each other's eyes and smiled as we danced to the music. That's a moment I will never forget. Dancing with my love, singing to each other.

We've had some very deep discussions and conversations lately....too deep to get into here. We cleared the air on a lot of things and realized we're on the same page regarding a lot of different things that are very important. He's also helped me through so much lately. I've been dealing with a lot, especially knowing he's going back so soon. It made me sick last weekend and I couldn't eat. I lost 5 pounds in 3 days...I'm not even 100 pounds to begin with, so that was awful. I had to get blood work done yesterday because of possible problems I may have. My doctor thinks I may have arthritis and possibly hyperthyroidism. I'm turning 19 in 2 days, so this is terrible if I get arthritis this young. Anthony is so worried about me, and I've told him not to worry. I think I'll be fine. He's been so sweet, comforting me through all of this and helping me to deal.

He goes back to school in 4 days....I don't know how I'm going to do this again. It's so hard, and I've grown so used to him being close distance. We've grown so much as a couple and have gotten so emotionally close. I really don't want him to go! He's my best friend, my rock, my support system, the love of my life! But, we've gotten through this before...we'll continue to survive. This'll all be worth it one day...when we start our life together close distance. All of this is just him taking the steps to build a wonderful life for us and our family someday. <3