HOLY SHITBALLS! I am in the best mood I've been in for WEEKS! I feel like I'm in this state of ecstasy and that nothing can bring me down, I'm on top of the fucking world. I promise you all I'm 100% sober lol...I am straight edge so that would never cross my mind. I just want to run up the side of a mountain and yell out from the top of it and declare my love for Anthony to the entire world. I am in such a good mood right now. Even the fact that I can't figure out how or when to apply for this program at my SO's college for my post-grad school that I am looking into isn't stressing me out or getting me down. I'll figure it out, I know I will!

Anthony texted me first earlier on this afternoon, and we sent a few messages back and forth before he stopped responding, which was understandable because he was at work. But, I got home from my lab earlier than I expected and signed onto FB. He chatted me within a few minutes! =] We talked for almost an hour on chat, which was awesome! He told me some good news...he booked his flights for Thanksgiving break! He will be coming home on Saturday, November 19th early that morning, and he asked me to pick him up from the airport!!! I'd be more than happy to, so I will be picking him up and getting to see him almost immediately upon him stepping off that plane! This will be the first time I see him as he first arrives home, so this will be quite the awesome experience. He also booked his return flight to Rochester. He will be leaving on Friday, November 25th, but he's leaving late that night and I'll be driving him to the airport. We will have a nice, solid 6 days together, and I am SOOOOO excited for this! I can't wait! We will have a wonderful week, despite the fact that I will be in class for 3 of the 6 days. I'm sure we'll go out after I get out of class, or stay in together. I can't wait to hug him again! We need this week so badly, and I just know it's going to be magical. I found the perfect addition to his Christmas present and I also got a free scarf from my college to give to him when he comes home at Thanksgiving! 24 more days until he's here, back at HOME!!! We can do this, 24 days will hopefully fly by!