So I realized I hadn't blogged in awhile. I've just been so damn busy with the final few weeks of the semester, and I've also had no inspiration for a blog entry either lol. Well, now I thought of something to write about. I was originally going to make this a thread, but I realized I answered my own question. My SO went back to Rochester after being home for 6 days last Friday. Normally, I am a mess for days afterwards and I never fully go back to being 100% happy after he's gone back. I always in the back of my mind feel the emptiness and loneliness that comes from him being away. This time around, things seem different, much different. I feel happier. When I brought Anthony to the airport and we said our goodbye, he told me to be strong. I told him I would try. He said to me "Jen, you are so strong. You can do this, you've done this before. You're getting stronger each time, I can see it." I promised him I would, while fighting back tears. He also sent me a text saying "*hugs*Be strong Jen, I know you can." I guess I took those words to heart. I only cried the day after he left, and I've yet to cry since. It's going to be a week since he's left tomorrow. In a way, it's as if I don't even miss him. =\ I was very concerned at first because I normally miss him like crazy. Maybe it's the fact that he's going to be gone only 3 weeks, and we're down to 16 days on our countdown already. Maybe it's me getting stronger and accepting that this is how it has to be. I mean, I do wish he was here of course, but I haven't been getting sad over it. I think I'm just getting used to the fact that we're long distance and will be. I wonder if the fact that we have a time frame in which we're closing the distance in has anything to do with it. I did realize today, however, that I can still feel sad about this. Today, I was walking to my car after class and it was chilly and windy out. I shivered in my coat, hands tucked in my pockets to stay warm as I walked. I saw a couple walking together, the guy had his arm around his girlfriend and he held her close to him to keep her warm. I felt overwhelmed by loneliness and I almost began crying. I was really wishing he was home to do the same for me. I felt so alone. I miss him a lot tonight. He's been doing an awesome job communicating with me since he went back to school! We'd been struggling a lot with that last quarter, so he's stepped up big time. He's texted me first every day since he went back! I really really want to hear his voice again. I'm so busy with schoolwork that I've yet to ask him. I'm going to maybe ask if we can tonight for a little while. I just need to hear his voice. I can't wait until he comes home! <3