There's been a lot going on here lately! Finals week begins Monday! I have a final Monday, Wednesday and two on Thursday!! I can't wait for the semester to end. But, I only get one week off. -___- I was supposed to go to Maine with Anthony that week to visit his grandparents and his aunt, but plans fell through and we aren't going. =[ I am starting my summer course at the end of the month and that'll go for a month. It's Physics 102, the continuation of my class I'm taking now. It should be relatively easy. I'm also going to be working part time during that time and then switching to full time in July. Anthony and I are together 21 months on Thursday!! I can't believe how fast the time is going. In August, we will be together 2 years already! Lately, we've been fighting a lot. I've been extremely moody and bitchy because I was PMSing all last week and I got my period this week, so I've felt terrible. I hate taking it out on him and I try not to. He's been realizing he has problems of his own. He won't tell me about them right now, which worries me. I think maybe he just doesn't really know what's going on yet and is trying to work it out and understand it before he talks to me about it. He told me he is going to go back to seeing his therapist again, which made me happy because I could sense he needed it. Last night, I surprised him after work! I bought him a chain with a Claddagh Ring on it and gave it to him as a promise that I will always be there for him no matter what and I will love him forever and nothing will change that. He loved it and put it right on! We haven't spent a ton of time together lately because I've been busy with school and he with work. I miss seeing him a lot. Tonight, I'm trying to get together and grab a quick bite to eat with one of our friends. He just got home from college and he's in an LDR with his girlfriend while he's in school so I'm happy that they are now home in the same town together for 3 months. They deserve it! Would it be weird to get something to eat with just him? Anthony's working and our friend John's girlfriend Alyssa has a ton of studying to do for finals. We're both taken and we're both obviously respectful of the relationships we're in....he and Alyssa helped Anthony get the courage to ask me out. I just miss hanging out with them and I wanted to spend some time talking to John about some things regarding my relationship and school and such. Anyway, I don't know what else to write lol.