It's been quite awhile since I have blogged. My mom's birthday was on Friday, so we went to a baseball game with my brother and uncle and got to sit in the luxury box! It was awesome. My mom got some bad news on her birthday too. She took a test back in February in order to try to get a promotion at work. Being a single mother, that would help our family out A LOT. She got the results of the test back, and she failed. That means she will not even be considered for the promotion. This puts our family even more into a financial stronghold and it's possible we may lose our house in a few years. This scares me, even though I'll most likely have moved out by then anyway. This is the only house I've ever lived in, so it is special to me. Things with Anthony are going well! In less than a month, we'll be together 2 years! We still don't know anything about whether or not he will be going back to Rochester in the fall. I just want to know so I can mentally prepare myself if he is. =\ I'm dreading LD again. We've spent a wonderful 5ish months together close distance and it'll suck to be apart again. But, I know it is inevitable. Anthony's car has been in and out of the shop for the past month, so he's frustrated by that because he can't go where he wants when he wants. He has to rely on the buses, my brother or me to drive him. Also, his laptop is broken and that is his favorite possession, so he's been lost without it. I hope things start to look up for him. We've balanced out seeing each other with our work schedules, so that has helped a lot. Also, our communication has improved greatly. I have been feeling a lot better with my depression too. I've been on the same dosage of Zoloft for several months now and I feel great! I don't feel the anxiety like I used to and I am much happier. I am social and I joke around like I used to before I became depressed. All and all, things are good in my world, minus the financial situation. But, I know that everything will work out somehow.