So I had my surgery done yesterday morning. It went well, but I had a barfy, painful post-op. They were supposed to do an ankle block on me, and I don't know what the hell happened with that but I woke up screaming until they pumped me with Dilaudid. I also got anti-nausea medicine that didn't work worth a damn either.

But now I'm back in my apartment and after a full day of only eating saltines and water (yesterday), my SO just made me eggs and toast. Yummy!

This surgery was supposed to be an "easy" one, but it's sort of feeling like the other 6 I've had. I was told I *might* need crutches for 24 hours. Well it going on past 24 hours here and my foot is killing me and is propped up on some pillows.

I'm trying to avoid the oxys that my surgeon prescribed me. Last round of surgeries I had I got addicted to them without even knowing and had serious withdrawal problems.

So here I am deciding whether I can handle the pain, or if I should gamble with the addiction!!

My mom was here to help yesterday and has left back home now. My SO has been awesome. He has scrubbed the betadyne off my leg, brings me eggs in bed, basically does everything I need. He's the greatest