Look, my SO is at work all day, and I have nothing to do. Plus it's raining. Sorry... forgive me for posting way too much??

I need a hobby...


So all the talk of makeup and weddings and wedding makeup, I did a test run today.

I've mentioned before that I love love love lipstick. In these pictures I'm wearing the darkest color I have. At first I thought it would be too much, but I totally love it! The problem is it'll definitely smear onto my SO. Especially since I just found a dark lip gloss that looks fabulous over the lipstick. And it's super sticky. But, meh, he might just have to deal with that! I'm also wearing my gel eyeliner and as I was putting it on I thought for sure it was over the top. But once I put on my veil and cover-up I thought it looked okay. It's not very well done, but you get the picture.

I bought a palette from Lancome which was way too much money, but I'm totally in love with. It's so sparkly and pretty and purple! It sort of looks like this. The main color looks identical.

And here's me!

Thoughts? Is it too much? I just wanted to be bold and stand out, especially against all the snow! Lots and lots of snow. My uncle posted this on facebook the other day-- this is where we'll be getting hitched!