This is too long for a post, too short for a blog. So I threw it here.

I'm going home for the first time in over a year Dec 26-31. My mom just emailed me saying that my grandma will have another surgery on her bladder on Dec 30. Which means my mom will be at the hospital with her all day the 30th. Plus various days before that to get tests done and such. And of course the day after when she'll be recovering. And I'm so pissed! Man I bought this ticket home to hang out with my family and now my mom will be at the hospital 50-75% of the time. I wrote to see if there's any way she can make the surgery for a week or so after I leave, but my mom has to do it at this time so she doesn't have to take off work or anything.

And I know my mom and my grandma will be fighting the whole time, that's what they did LAST time she had a surgery. And of course she'll bring her yappy nasty dog who both my mom and my stepdad HATE (okay, everyone but my grandma hates that dog) because she yaps all the time and shits all over the house.

I hate to be an insensitive bastard, but dammit. I wanted to go drink wine and eat cheese with my mom, go out to eat at a fancy place, sit on the porch and drink a beer (can you tell my family revolves around alcohol? ) My dad will only be home for two of the days I'll be there. Man, I'm just bummed. I know I can hang out with friends. But still.

Am I a terrible person?