But feeling a need to write/update.

I went to a coworker's bbq last night and it was great! We brought stuff for mojitos (I always brag about my SO's mojito making prowess at work) and had two bottles of rum gone in about 2 hours. The mojitos were a hit for sure! The big issue was all these teachers brought their kids, who are STUDENTS! Ugh! I got there and didn't see the students. I was chugging a beer, swearing like a sailor, walk around the corner and see 4 of my students and am all like "oh hey guys..." And more came later! Everyone was pissed about the students being there. It sure didn't hold me back from drinking exactly how much I wanted to, though. Now I just happen to have a hand full of students who know I'm a drunkard and like to swear and party. Oh well? I'm a pretty open and silly teacher in the classroom. Just Friday I was teaching them the lyrics to "I believe I can fly", I don't even remember why. But anyways. Glad I didn't wear a more slutty outfit, which I was planning to do.

I only got in a fight with one guy at the party about something that really irks me, and I know I've talked about it before. I was talking about how Americans are normally pretty slobby dressers. Let's face it, if we could wear sweat pants all day we would. So he's all like "You mean people in the USA, because I'm 'American' too" Bringing up this ridiculous argument that people in the USA can't call themselves "Americans" because everyone who lives in an America (North, Central or South) are technically "Americans". I went off. I was like "listen, get the fuck over it, okay? There's a lot of injustices and horrible things in the world, many caused by or because of the USA, and people from the USA calling themselves 'Americans' is just not one of them" Like would a person from Brazil ever say "Hey, I'm American" NO! Stop fighting over a word that you don't even use, except to start arguments with people who call themselves "Americans".


We bought a new mattress because our old one is full of holes. The new one we bought we were like okay, we need a mattress to last 6 months and that's it. Then I counted for real, if we manage to get the visa by July, that's only FOUR months! Holy crap do I really only have 4 months left in this country?

Continued on Monday.

I should be working (as usual) but I want to join the mass blogging that's going on.

Last night I "met" my friend's boyfriend! The ones that I'll be marrying