So don't read this blog if you don't want to. It's just more of me complaining and droning on and on about visa shit.

I was recently able to pay the second fee of the NVC part of the visa process. That means it's almost time to send in our hopefully final packet of stuff!!! This packet is all about my SO- birth certificate, police record, etc. Well, I had my SO get his birth certificate and police record a while ago. After a few weeks I realized the police record expires after 30 days. Since I didn't know when I'd be able to pay the second fee, I told him to wait until I pay, then go ask for another police record.

Turns out the police record he originally requested (that took him just a few minutes to get) is not the police record he needs. He needs to get a more official one which is super difficult to do, as is everything in this freaking country. Just to get his police record this is what needs to happen.

1. NVC sends an email saying they need his police record
2. We make an appointment (about 2 weeks out) with USA embassy and take that email so they can give us an official request for the police record
3. We take that official request to the Registry where they give us a paper requesting the police record
4. We take all that to some other place and turn in all the papers where they hopefully only take two days to process it
5. When the papers are processed we go get the actual police record and then have to take it to the Casa Amarilla where they will put all these official stamps on it (which last time I went there to get something stamped it took me TWO DAYS of waiting in line to get in)

TA-DA! Now you have your police report.

Ugh. It's like Costa Rica's trying to fuck me over one more time before I leave. I'm kinda pissed at my SO for not finding this shit out earlier. I mean, what the hell? It's going to take him at least a week or two to get his police report, which means waiting another full week or two before being able to turn in the packet.

At the same time, he called the Registry place and they told him they don't need a request to get a police record. So it could potentially "only" be a week until he gets it, instead of two or three.

Fucking country. Just get mail like normal countries then we could do all this very easily!!!

So I was hoping we'd get an interview in May, but evidently that's out of the question. We'll probably get a June interview (if there's nothing wrong with the packets). And since, as I've said a million times before, we plan on leaving in July that's no problem. But good fucking GOD. I just want to be DONE. Ya know? A June interview seems sooo far away. I know it's not. I know it'll fly by. But uggghhh. Just keep your fingers crossed we don't get checklisted (meaning something is wrong with the packets) and we get a CASE COMPLETE this month!

And finally- This is the biggest news for everyone who made it through.


My SO and I have decided to adopt a kid here in CR! We hope to start doing the process and paperwork within the next few months. See it's so much easier to adopt here than in the USA and I think we're both ready to start this journey. We know it'll take a while which is why we want to start now. It's still on the down low, so shhhhhhhh

Have a great day!