I've posted about this friend before. It's the same one who blames me for being in a LDR and is generally an angry person. I think, because of this, I may limit my communication. I think this friend may be toxic to me.

He has said a number of things and I respond in a way that most people wouldn't take to be offensive, but he does. For example. He gets angry at parents who can't get their children to stop crying while out in public (the examples he used were at church or the grocery store). So, his solution is to not take his kid(s) to those places. I asked what he would do if his wife (hypothetical wife, hypothetical kids) was out of town for something or at work and he had the baby, and needed something at the store. His solution: get someone to watch his kid. And what if no one is available? Then he wouldn't go to the store. I asked, "So, you're just not going to bring your kid to church for 5+ years?" He didn't respond.

And he even said, "wow you're really pissing me off today." So, I think I'm going to severely limit communication from him. Clearly it's not doing me any good, since I get frustrated at him and apparently all I do is piss him off. I don't want to stop being friends with him (we've known each other for about 10 years), but I think I need to either just stop talking to him all together, or at the very most, only talk to him once a week (instead of almost every day).

Yea. I think it will be good for me. Gonna do that starting now. *logs out of chat*