I realized that most of my blog entries/posts as of late have been pretty angry or depressed. It's Friday. I'm better today-the last week or so has been pretty rough on me at work and at home (missing my SO hardcore). But it's finally the weekend, well, almost, and I'm volunteering with my church group tomorrow and grabbing brunch with one of my friends before.

I'm gonna work on my dress too, since I see my honey in about 3 weeks!! Yaaay!!! I'm so glad it's almost May, simply because of this. He hasn't heard anything back from his interview yet, but it's actually okay. A job that's similar to the job he actually wants was posted online a few days ago, which could mean they have figured out what they need and they're already considering him for the job he wants... *crosses fingers and toes* So yay for that too.

I finally admitted that I don't actually hate my job. I love the company I work for, and I do really enjoy what I do. I just hate where I am. I let the fact that we're LD seep into how I feel about work, and it really sucked me down. No more. I gotta keep my head above water, so to speak, and we'll make it. I need to focus on the good in my life-and stop comparing myself to my friends who are getting engaged/having babies/getting married. If I focus on that, I just get more upset. So, focusing on the good. Focusing on the good. Yup.