I called the movers 2 hours ago. The woman I need to talk to was away from her desk. I called them again 20 minutes ago. She was on the phone. I have left her two messages, hopefully she'll call me back today. I need to schedule my initial moving consultation so they can figure out how much crap I have and how long it will take them to pack up my stuff and what-not. (I can tell them it will take 1/2 day to pack my crap and less than 1/2 day to load it. That's how long it took them when I moved the first time... And I haven't bought a lot of new stuff)

So, that particular stress is like a 12 right now, since I'm moving in 2 weeks.
Add to that I need to go to the vet to buy cat food, get Miss Natalie's papers so I can take them to a new vet, go to the auto parts store for adhesive, & find time to fix my rear view mirror that fell off 2 weeks ago because of the stupid Texas heat. I also need to go through my closet and get rid of clothes I don't wear. I know I won't be packing up my stuff but I will have to unpack it all, and I don't wear a lot of the clothes I have in my closet! I also need to get rid of some of the junk I have because I just have way too much junk.

So, my stress levels this week are waaaay higher than normal. (And, oh yea, add the super wonderful monthly influx of hormones!) So because of all of this stress, even though I'm basically okay (I know I'll get it all done. I'll be fine, I'm going to go to the auto parts store tonight, the vet tomorrow, and I'm going to bug the crap out of the movers until they take my call today), my tear ducts have this habit of just spilling everything at the worst times. Seriously. My manager asked me if I had called the movers this morning.
"Oh no, crap. I forgot."
"You want their number?"
"That would be great, thanks." (and cue tears.)

Seriously. what. the. heck. I hate that today of all days my hormones hate me and just push all this gross emotional mess on me. Ugh.

Oh, and speaking of emotional mess... last night I just fell apart all over my SO via text message. Did I mention he's on vacation with his family right now? I was a huge mess, blubbering on about how I don't belong anywhere and I don't have anywhere to call home... basically I was just being super depressing. I texted him this morning and said, "I'm sorry (again) for falling apart all over you last night." He replied, "It's okay. you're allowed. " I said, "Today is not going well either. Why is it days like today just completely suck?" He asked, "Hormones?" The little creeper (I say that with love) knows me better than I like to give him credit. I'm normally pretty stable, but every once in a while I just fall completely apart. He knows that I don't fall apart every month, but on the rougher months I tend to. (Sometimes it's worse than others...)

Well, on the bright side (if this is a bright side...) I'm going to VA next weekend to look for a place to live. I have to figure out my plan of attack on apartments to make the most of the weekend. (Honestly I'll probably end up looking at like, 3 places and picking one of them.) And this IS a bright side, (sort of) I'll get to check out my new church! The only reason it's only a sort of is because I'm missing church here. I knew the day would come, though... so I guess better this weekend rather than next? It will be good though, because it will give me time to keep looking, just in case the new church is not what I'm looking for.