But then I wasn't sure. I mean, we're not closing the distance yet. I don't even know if it's a real possibility. It's all so up in the air, basically, I'm freaking out because of it.

I admitted to my FFFIL that I'm scared (just "scared" is an understatement...) that it won't work out and that I've gotten my hopes up and then I'll be stuck here and miserable... I mean, I have absolutely no indication that they're REALLY interested. Sure, they're sort of interested. That's why they asked to see me for an in-person interview. But all of my real-world experience is in commercial construction, not residential. And most have been larger commercial buildings too... I only know what I learned during my education, and all that information has been just about replaced in my brain with commercial stuff.

During the phone interview they asked me if I had any experience with Habitat for Humanity or any of the programs similar that my university hosts/helps out with (pretty much everyone on the management side of this company is from my alma mater). Unfortunately, no. I was too busy with band. And classes. And band. So I'm nervous that because I have no residential experience they'll find someone more qualified than I am. I mean... I didn't even LOOK at the job description when I found the listing on careerbuilder. I mean, sure. My best girlfriend from college (my "twin") knows one of the guys who works there, and so I sent him my resume instead of careerbuilder, which I think helped, but seriously. I don't even know what I would be doing.

I think this is the biggest risk I have taken since I made the decision to only apply to one college and then go there when I got my acceptance letter that afternoon. (Yea. It was kind of an awesome women in engineering deal where I submitted my application in the morning and went to a bunch of sessions and then they told me that afternoon if I was accepted or not.) I mean, sure. Moving to Georgia for the internship was risky. But I knew the two girls I was going to live with for the summer. And sure, accepting the offer to move to Georgia full time was risky, but a) I had lived there before, b) I had a full time job, and c) Nix & I thoroughly discussed our options before I made the decision. Okay, moving to Texas was risky. But again, Nix & I thoroughly discussed it before I accepted, and I knew I would be moving with the same company and everything...

Weird. All of my "big risks" in life come with decisions to move somewhere. PA to IN, IN to GA, GA to TX, TX to VA (although that one wasn't exactly by choice, since the project in TX was ending, I had to move somewhere otherwise I'd be out of work!), and now the possibility of VA to IN... *sigh*

Maybe I'm just ready to finally stay in one place for a while.
ID: 8 months
PA: 2 yrs
CT: 6 yrs
SC: 2 yrs
PA: 8 yrs
IN/WI: 5 yrs (my parents moved to WI after I started college)
3 dorm rooms, 2 apartments. 1 apartment was for my 3.5 months in GA for my internship, and the other was for 2 years.
GA: 8 months
TX: 8 months
VA: 1.5 months-present

And now my parents have a house in CA, but I'm not really counting that move because I don't really live there, since I've moved out and I'm supporting myself now. So I think it's time I stop moving around for a while... and I'm definitely not happy here. Now, I love VA. It's pretty here. Not sure I would choose to live in the area I do if I had a choice, though. It's okay for now. I know if Nix were here I would be a heck of a lot happier with the area... but he's not. He got the 3rd job-which is AWESOME. I'm SUPER proud of him. It will be great experience for him to put on his resume (which is what he needs right now).

Anyway, it's apparently a good thing I didn't start a new thread, since I got kind of rambly! But basically, I'm terrified that this isn't going to work out like we hope and I'll be stuck here for another 11 months or so. And I just don't want that...