I want to try on dresses. I want to put on a wedding dress. Honestly, I know I'm getting married to Nix, but it's not "real" yet. I'm working on my bouquet, but we haven't reserved any venues yet because he's being a butt head and playing Assassin's Creed III instead of talking to his mom about when she's available to go look at venues. Because I can't.

And there's NO WAY I'm booking a place without him & his mom seeing it in person first!! (And taking me along via Skype. ) But GAH I just want a dress on my body!!!!! lololol. I can't do it yet because I promised my mom that I wouldn't put on any dresses until she could be here to see me in them. It's something about "seeing her baby in a wedding dress for the first time", she doesn't want to miss that moment. So I'm humoring her and waiting.... besides, I don't have any girls here that would go with me. (Heck, I don't have any girls here.)

Basically I'm just really excited and I'm tired of not having anything planned. I might just call his mom tonight and ask when she's available... but then I'd have to bug him too. Guh. It's easier to just bug him and then bug him to ask her when she's free and then I have to call the reception places to figure out a time they can go see them. Hmmph. This would be SO much easier if I was there, because then I would set up the appointments and just go by myself!! I know he trusts me to pick out a location, but honestly, I'd try and drag him along with me. This is his wedding too, after all... aaaaaaanyway. that's enough ranting for now.