So I was gonna make a thread. But then I decided not to, for fear of what could happen to it. *sigh* Caution: wedding talk ahead (of course.... like I talk about anything else these days, especially on my blog. ).

So, instead I'll ask it here. A few days ago, okay, like, Saturday, Nix & I were Skyping and I asked him if he had any ideas of where he wanted to go on our honeymoon. "Uhh... nope." >.< He said he knows I probably want to do the "beach thing" and I told him, "Well, yea, but I know you'd get tired of the beach after about 4 hours." His reply, "Yeaaa......." So we're looking at other places where we can do stuff besides just beach things. We're thinking maybe somewhere in Europe.

I'd love to visit Ireland or Scotland or the UK. Or France or Italy. Or... well, almost anywhere in Europe. He agreed to all of those places. I suggested we could even go somewhere like Puerto Rico or Mexico (both of which are closer to home, so the travel time wouldn't be as long).

But I've never been to Europe before, ever. I would love to go there with him and do the touristy thing. Any suggestions, guys? I don't even know what we'd do when we're there. Obviously see the sights and stuff... but what do you guys think? I told him I don't want our schedule to be super packed, since I know we'll need time for husband & wife things.... (he rolled his eyes at that one, a typical response.) Or do you guys have any other suggestions for locations that would be good? I don't want to go super far away simply because we're planning on probably 10 days or so for the whole trip, including travel time.