Okay, so. In light of recent happenings in my life (both including Nix & not including him, although it's hard to tell what doesn't include him any more! ), I've decided that instead of a New Year's resolution, I'm going to try and look through a filter at everything I do/say/etc.

The radio station I listen to in the mornings during my commute gave me this idea, I didn't come up with it on my own. So my "filter word" for 2013, I think, is "grace". According to the verb definition on dictionary.com, grace is "do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence". I've noticed recently that I haven't always been... proud of what I say or do to or around others. This year, I'm changing that.

(I know not everyone has the same beliefs that I do, and that's okay by me - I don't think you have to think the way that I do or believe what I believe. I'll be nice to you if you're nice to me.) I firmly believe that God has put this word on my heart for this year. 2012 wasn't my most graceful or forgiving year. I'm not striving to be the "perfect" wife that does all of the housework and has dinner on the table when the husband gets home, but I want to become the kind of wife I need to be to support my husband, whatever that may mean. No, I don't know what that is right now. But I do know that it will probably change over time, and that's okay by me. Just like our relationship has changed over the time we have been together, I anticipate that it will change in the years to come. By looking at everything with a filter of grace, I hope that I will be able to handle each obstacle as it comes and handle it well.

On a completely different note. You know that LOVE sculpture?
This one.
Well, I knew that there's a version of this at the place where we are having our reception... but I just discovered that it's not "just a version", but it's the original!! I was already planning on having pictures taken in front of it, I know that I would regret not getting them, but now this is just kind of... Well. Okay then. Absolutely must, now.

So, this blog was totally not what I was planning on writing. I was totally just planning on writing about the sculpture and the wedding and then all of that came out instead. Well, okay then.