I'm taking a break from cleaning. I'm putting away the wedding projects - I may have people coming to spend the weekend with me the 20th-21st, and none of them are invited to the wedding. So I'm trying to make my place presentable, which means putting all that stuff away and actually cleaning my apartment (which is loooong over due. So, naturally, I'm blogging. lol)

Honestly, I don't have much to say. I'm looking forward to this weekend, but at the same time, I'm not. Saturday (which also happens to be my birthday) is basically is going to determine if Nix & I can close the distance this summer. No pressure, right? Ugh. I mean, I'm way beyond grateful that these companies are willing to meet/interview me on a SATURDAY morning, but seriously? It's my birthday, people. But, no. I'm grateful. I'm grateful that I will be able to see the future-husband this weekend and spend my 25th with him, since I spent my 24th birthday alone in my apartment. But I've digressed. So um, could you send good vibes/prayers/thoughts/etc on Saturday morning? Or, whatever time that happens to be for you. Or, you know, all weekend is good too. Thanks.

On the wedding front, nothing major has progressed. We've made all the big decisions, I'm just working on my millions of projects that I still have to do. Like... lol, finishing my bouquet and the bridesmaids bouquets. Sigh. I also need to figure out how to finish off my bouquet so it looks good. And I have no idea how to do that yet. Guess I'll just try out some stuff and see what works.

I think I've picked out my veil, which is yay, but I'm planning on ordering it and seeing if the ivory matches the ivory in my dress, otherwise it will have to go back to Nordstrom's. Which means I also need to check their return policy - because Nordstrom's doesn't, as far as I know, sell veils in stores. But I hate shipping things back, even if it is free returns. I just don't like it, lol. Then again, I don't like making any returns. If I didn't want it, why did I buy it in the first place?! Sigh.

Um. Yea. So, I guess life is okay. My coworker got back from Disney today and she brought Minnie ears back for me & my other coworker, because we're both getting married this year. Oh yea, I definitely wore them ALL DAY at work today. The guys looked at us like we're nuts, but hey, we're in a trailer. We can get away with some stupid crap like this. They guys mess around all the time, honestly, I'm surprised they haven't injured themselves with the crap they pull.

Also, on another note, my friend has told me at least twice now, "LAURA YOU'RE SO SKINNY" it definitely helps my self-esteem, hahaha. But right now, I do not feel skinny. I know I'm not fat by any means, but I don't feel... healthy, I guess. I've been trying to watch what I'm eating and been trying to cut back on my calories, but I've had more bad days than good. Like tonight. I totally binged on vanilla greek yogurt, strawberries, chocolate chips, pecans, and coconut flakes. Yea. I know. It sounds gross, but it was actually really delicious. (I even surprised myself!)

I won't ramble any more, since I know my blogs are boring and stuff, especially since the exciting wedding stuff is done. :P Here's hoping that Nix signs on soon, I was really hoping we could talk tonight, at least for a little bit.

I can't keep doing this. I pretend that I'm okay, but I'm not. People continually say, "Oh my gosh that must be so hard" or, what seems to be a popular "favorite" around here, "How do you do it?" WE JUST FREAKING DO. OKAY? It's one of two options: we deal with the crappy hand we've been dealt, or we break up. Those are the options. And the latter option just... no. It's not an option. There's a reason I post on here more than I do on theknot forums, because when I complain about Nix not being able to talk, everyone is all "OMG YOU SHOULD BE SOOOOO PISSED" & I can't do it. There's no point in being mad, it just makes things worse. So, to avoid being depressing, I'll just go post a bunch in the forum instead of continuing this blog. (I promise I'm trying really hard to be happy.)