So uh, this is your warning. This blog is gonna get a little... well, personal. And chances are, you're gonna think I'm ... but, I'm okay with it. (And as a side note, there's a reason I keep my blogs private so... thanks in advance. )

lucybelle, if you want to skip over everything there's a summary at the bottom.

But before you say anything, I know this guy, R, is a moron, and I know I should stop talking to him. I've tried to, but it's like word vomit. I'm at least trying to do my best to not actually say anything - it's more of I ask questions or respond with "nothing" words (okay, mmhmm, sure, if you say so, those kinds of things.)

Every once in a while, R really gets on my nerves. Okay. So, I don't think you need to have sex to know you have chemistry with someone. I don't think sex is a necessary part of a dating/engaged relationship. So, yes. Nix & I are waiting until we're married. Just to clarify, I have no problems with anyone else's choice. You're not me, and your choices are not mine. So don't think that I'm gonna go all BSC on you for having sex and telling you that I think you're going to go to hell or whatever. Cause.... no. It's a choice we made from the beginning of our relationship.

Which, yea, okay, here's where it gets personal. Nix & I have only made out three times. No, I'm not kidding. Now-we do kiss and hug and cuddle. But we don't feel each other up. He's never touched my butt, has only accidentally grazed side-boob. I'll grab his butt when I see him but it's not meant to be sexual. It's just... me grabbing his butt. So, with that said, nope. We haven't seen each other with any clothes off. Not even in bathing suits - but, there hasn't been the opportunity for that.

Back to topic, though. Today R mentioned that one of his friends from college just announced their pregnancy on facebook. (yay?) And he started talking about how they want to do a "cute" announcement when they announce it on facebook. I said, "I don't know if I'll announce it on facebook. I dunno. I'll tell my family & friends I actually talk to... but... meh. But, I don't need to even think about that because kids aren't on our radar yet." His reply? "I give it 3 months after you're married." "You think I'll want kids 3 months after I'm married?" "No, I think you'll be pregnant." "So you think that just because we haven't had sex we'll get pregnant 3 months into our marriage?" "Oh I forgot that. I give it a month, lol"

WTH. Apparently because we're choosing to wait until we're married to have a physical relationship, that means I'll get pregnant on our honeymoon? Um.. No. Do you seriously think that just because we haven't had sex or anything that we'll just forget to use a condom? And, more importantly, (although I see absolutely no need for him to know this, so I didn't even mention it) do you really think that I won't take my BC pills?? Do you seriously think that I didn't get my blood drawn TWICE in a month time frame (and let me tell you, I hate needles) to not take the pills I'm paying a stupid amount of $ for??????? Seriously? (I'm on Lo Lo-Estrin, because it has the lowest amount of estrogen for a hormonal BCP. One of my dr's concerns was my clotting ability, because my mom had a stroke in 2009. So I had to fill like 12 vials with my blood so they could do the tests on me. There's no generic for this pill. So it's not that cheap. Boo. And, I would rather be on a hormonal option because my mom's mom died from ovarian cancer when she was 50. So. Yay family health problems.)

I just needed to rant. I know this guy is a moron, and so I'm doing all that I can to just keep my mouth shut. If he wants to think that we're just gonna start popping out babies because we're choosing to abstain, fine. Be an ass. He is constantly "poking holes" in our relationship. The other day he mentioned a friend of his got engaged after dating his girlfriend for like, 3 months. And he went all "no one knows that soon into a relationship" and pulled out crap and quotes from NatGeo about dopamine and shit and I'm like, wth. I completely disagree with you because I knew 6-7 weeks into our relationship that I would marry Nix. No questions asked. Sure, we waited for a while to get engaged, but there was no doubt in my mind.

I won't go deep into the religion side, but basically yesterday he said (when trying to explain his reasoning why the "honeymoon phase" lasts 6 months-a year and that you don't know for sure until after that's over) that he believes what science has proven. Nothing wrong with that. But..... he believes in God. Science, to my knowledge, hasn't proven that God exists. I don't want this blog to turn into a religious argument - but basically, he puts his faith in only what science/math/etc can prove to him is true, which means, he can't possibly be putting his faith completely in God.

Religion is something that fascinates me. I love this community because I get to learn about what everyone else does for celebrations and on a daily basis and all that jazz.

Yea. So, basically: this guy is a moron and thinks we'll get pregnant on our honeymoon because we are waiting until we're married to have sex. And he annoys the crap out of me.