I almost feel like I shouldn't blog. I don't know why... I just.. I dunno. I don't feel like my life is exciting right now. And complaining about anything sure doesn't fix it - I've learned that a few times. I think I'll have to keep learning it, though, based on my history. Honestly I'm just tired of... all of this. There's no light at the end of the tunnel right now.

Yea yea, I know. "Patience" and "it will get better" and all that crap. I know. And I guess too, "you're getting married!!" Yay. That doesn't change anything for the present time.

This weekend feels like it didn't really happen. This weekend feels like it was just a dream. I hate that I feel like I just imagine my weekends with my fiancé. I hate that I feel like one day I'm going to wake up and none of this will be real.