I write a suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper depressing blog one day.

Then within like 48 hours, something good happens.

In this case: I had a phone interview with my alma mater this morning about a possible job. It would essentially be a position that helps with campus planning (for future buildings/renovations/etc). And they'd be okay with it if I went in to my old prof's classes once in a while to do guest lecturing. Excellent!

So right now, I'm playing a HUGE waiting game. I had 2 interviews Saturday morning, did I mention that? I think I did... In any case. They both went really well. Both companies were very impressed, the first one was a better fit for me, I think. And both guys at that interview said at the end of it, "Well, we're definitely interested." Not so sure about the 2nd company, as they're looking for more of an IT person.

So... I'm waiting to hear from job 1 about interview 2, job 2 about, who knows what they want, and job 3 about a first round "official interview".

Feast or famine.... right? The light at the tunnel exists now. It's a itty bitty teeny pin prick, but, it's there. I'm just hoping that it doesn't get snuffed out... I'm also trying to keep any sort of excitement under wraps. I'm trying really hard not to fantasize about life in either location, but it's a challenge. I get ahead of myself, and then I just get overly disappointed when it doesn't happen. Yes, I'm excited. No, I'm not telling anyone outside of my family (and I consider you guys family) about the interviews yet. This, honestly, is the hard part for me. I'm so sucked into social media, it's a challenge not to post something about it. So, thank goodness for LFAD & private blogs...

It's like the women who won't tell anyone they're pregnant until they get past the first trimester or so because the risk of miscarriage significantly drops after that point (or at least, that's what I've been told by pregnant friends). They don't want to jinx it. Yup. So I'm knocking on wood, saying my prayers, basically doing anything I think that could possibly bring this whole thing a positive outcome. So um. Maybe you could too? Please?

Love you guys.