I haven't heard anything from the interviews. I've followed up with calls and emails - but I still haven't heard anything. Yesterday my boss finally asked the question I have been dreading. "What are you going to do after you get married?" I don't know. I told him we're looking at options.

Plan A: I get a job near Nix.
Plan B: I relocate to a regional office, Nix packs up and moves in with me.
Plan C: Nix packs up and moves in with me and I continue to move from project to project. Which means he'd move with me every time. Which means it would be practically impossible for him to hold down any sort of job.

Plan A is clearly our best bet. But how the heck is plan A supposed to work when NO ONE IS RESPONDING??? Plan B needs to be talked about with my company like it's plan A - so I can at least try to get on that track. The problem is partly because Nix said he absolutely positively doesn't want to live in/near DC. Well. Okay, fine then. I asked him what he has against DC. He said "Just having heard not great things about the area." Well, the office isn't actually IN DC, it's south of it in Virginia (but it's still close enough to be considered "the DC area").

Plan C is absolutely the worst case scenario. And honestly, not even something I really want to consider. Plan C means I'd be working 11-12 hours a day, and we would move every 8-12 months. No thanks.

Plan B means I'd be in an office again - but I'd more than likely be doing things I do not want to be doing. (I have had to do them this year, and it made me absolutely hate coming into work for about four months.)

Honestly? This is starting to stress me out. I have already been feeling the pressure from my relationship to get this sorted out. My family & his family, though they mean well, add to my stress levels. I play a major part on my stress level on this, and I know it. But now work is starting to add pressure on me to get this figured out too........ All I really want to do is curl up in a ball in a blanket fort with a bowl of mac & cheese, chocolate milk, and have a Disney Princess marathon. Please?