So I've been working on wedding projects today. I got the inspiration from pinterest for the centerpieces, yay pinterest projects.

This was the original:

It didn't turn out as well as I would have liked... so after thinking more about it, I decided that I was going to try out a different paint. I had seen a bunch of different frosted glass pieces recently - turns out that's exactly what I wanted.

So, dollar store vases, rubber bands, and a can of frosted glass spray paint, and I've got my centerpieces for the seated tables. I'm not sure how many tables we will have, so I'm holding off on making more.

Oh, and, of course, floating candles. I decided the LED tea lights didn't give me the "look" I wanted, and JoAnns was having a sale on candles when I was there. So I'm going to keep my eyes out for more sales and coupons for them. Hooray for not spending $$$$ on decorations.

Oh, and I've finally finished stuffing these little packets for the ceremony. Yes, they are SUPER cheesy. And I know not everyone will take them, so I'm only making about 90 of them. But... I couldn't help it. I sent Nix this picture and he even says he loves them, which, honestly, shocked me.

I have about 10 completed. I have all the labels printed out, but I don't think I have enough ribbon for all of the rest. Luckily I found an eBay seller that has the ribbon color I want for super cheap (I'm talking almost 5 yards for $1. Yes, I'm serious. Let me know if you need ribbon. I'll send you a link to her store. Although, I don't know if she ships internationally. She might, though!)

Oh! I ordered my veil tulle and a hair comb, and I should be getting those in a few days. And, happy day, I lucked out and found the stuff on amazon for all of like, $7. Yes. Now I just need to find ribbon to match my dress to finish off the veil. (I've already looked at the eBay seller's store... she doesn't have ivory. ) But, I'll look at my favorite craft stores, and hopefully find the color I want.

Well... Um... that's it. Yea. I need to go work on my bouquet too, so... I should go do that. I also need to find a hair piece. I'm thinking about a brooch like thing, since that seems to be my "thing", lol. Not sure where I'll find one, though. Maybe eBay? Since... I have been tending to find a bunch of the wedding stuff on there.