Remember how I said I was going to take time off from the wedding planning and projects? Ha!!! I laugh at myself.

I started my veil yesterday. I have to figure out how to do the edging - and trim it to get it shaped right. I need to figure out if I want to add the 2nd layer of tulle, I have enough of it. I have the ribbon for the edging, I just need to iron it and then shape the tulle.

I also started my card box for the reception yesterday. A good friend of mine suggested I make a box that looks like my alma mater's big bass drum! So, that's what I'm doing.

That's the drum! And yes, that's me, acting all crazy. The seniors get to hit it during half time of the senior recognition game - but this was the only good picture of me (it was during our morning rehearsal).

What else? um...... oh this isn't wedding related! I bought a TENT! And a sleeping bag! And I went camping last night. Okay, more like I set up my new tent just out back of my apartment. And it rained, but I stayed dry! The downside is my tent is still spread out all over my living room floor, drying. Well, it's probably dry by now but I haven't tried to roll it up and put it away yet. I should do that soon... The tent & sleeping bag is what my parents "got" me for my birthday. I can't wait to actually go camping in the tent. AND!!! Nix said he's excited for our camping adventures together! Eep!!! I didn't think he would ever actually want to go camping with me, which is why I am so excited about this, haha.

I better get back to my tracing... I'm a perfectionist and so naturally, I have to have the words on the side of the drum just perfect, otherwise it will drive me nuts...

Also: I made an appointment at the salon for when I'm there in June to get my hair cut and do a hair/makeup consultation for the wedding in October! Squee!