She told me I should write a blog. Soooo... I'm blogging. Um. Work != good. It's fine and all, but. Meh. I (finally) got a response from the one I'm really excited about - and they're hoping to wrap up the whole "who do we want to interview" stage soon. Sigh. I did send an application and my resume into a company about 2 hours away from where I want to be, so, hey. That could work. The "exciting job" is roughly 45 minutes from Nix, which, although it could be considered long distance, I wouldn't consider it. I wouldn't see him every night if we were 45 minutes away, but I COULD see him every weekend, which would just be all sorts of happy. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. It hasn't been confirmed that I'm even going to get an interview, so... I just need to take a step back and collect myself.

So, taking a step back means........ wedding things! lol. I know I keep saying I'll take time off from it, but I just have so many stinking projects to get done because I'm INSANE.... I really do NOT want to leave them until the last minute like I normally do with every other project ever. I do not want to be stressed about the wedding when it comes to the crafty side. I enjoy this aspect of it, and I'm trying really hard to still enjoy it. (So far, this attempt has been successful.)

On that note, this past weekend I spent a fair amount of time working on..... the bouquets! Hooray! I can say that my maid of honor's and bridesmaid bouquets are DONE. Mine is 98% done. I need to go to JoAnns and pick up some ivory lace to finish it off, which will hopefully happen this weekend. So, enough words. Pictures are really what you want.

This is my sister's bouquet. Yes, that's a snowflake. I sent her this picture and she said, "I love the snowflake!"

Side view of my sister's bouquet.

This is my bouquet!!!! It looks done.... but then you look at it from a different angle and.....

So not done!! So I'm going to go get some fabric and cover the bottom of this sucker so you can't see the styrofoam.

Oh! I ordered my hair piece a while ago, and I've had it for a week or so. I finally decided to see how it looks with my dress. IT'S... well, just take a look.

Let's see.... oh, I also finished painting the 2nd side to my card box. Now I just have to create a template for the sides of the box for the pattern that goes all the way around the drum. I don't remember if I told you guys what I'm doing for the card box... I think I did. I'm pretty confident I did. Here's a picture of my progress.

I'm super pleased with it right now. I ordered the wheels last week. I need to go get a dowel rod and some other materials to make the base. I think it's going to be dowel rods and some thin wood and clay for any accents. I think that will work... and then hot glue. Hot glue is my new best friend. My glue gun & I have gotten some serious quality time in with the bouquets... (All of those stinking petals are hot glued to the ball, and all of the brooches are hot glued onto the floral wire stems I created... yea. I think I have easily gone through 15+ short sticks of hot glue for these projects.)

Anyway. I think that's enough of that. Up next on my list of projects:
veil, finishing bouquet, and oh yea. MY INVITATIONS WILL BE HERE TODAY!!! The UPS guy comes around noon-ish, so I'm guessing it will be just under two hours or so until my 10.10 pound box of paper is in my hands. I am so excited.

On that note, I'm going to see Nix June 7-9. I'm hauling the invites with me and making him help me assemble them. And we have our pre-marital counseling session scheduled for that Saturday morning. I'm a little nervous about it. I don't doubt our decision to get married - not at all. I'm nervous because I don't know what to expect. I'm nervous because we filled out this survey thing ages ago and now we're going to sit down with this guy and talk about our answers. I don't remember what I answered! His dad says it's normal to be a little nervous before this counseling session. I don't anticipate being shocked by any of the answers from him, but I'm still a little anxious about it. Why, I have no idea. Maybe it's for the same reason why I'm anxious about actually getting married? It's kind of like a wtf am I doing? feeling. It's a good, excited, feeling, but at the same time I am freaking terrified. Weird and everything, I know, I know. But apparently that's normal too. I think I've just given myself too much time to think about it, rather than just doing it already. But every time I tell Nix, "can we just get married?" or "we could just go get married on our next visit!" He says no. He thinks our moms would disown us if we did, and apparently his family can hold a grudge a long time and so we apparently wouldn't ever hear the end of it if we did that. Sigh. I just want to be married to him already!

ETA: Look what just got delivered!!