I'm not feeling too great, so this will be a short noodle.

I was in ATL from Wednesday evening until this afternoon (Friday). This morning before the first session my boss's boss asked me if I had a few minutes to talk. Sure, no problem. For boss's boss, I've always got time.

He told me where I'm going next.

Maryland. To another project site. Not to an office.

I'm absolutely torn with how to feel right now. Why? I'll explain a little.
1) I worked on this project when we were bidding for it - meaning we were trying to acquire the project. So, I worked on it when it was a baby project. My 3D building model ended up playing a "big" role in the interview with the university, and helped get us the job.
2) It's in Maryland. It's a project site. Which means more moving around once the project is done.
3) After said project, I was told that they're going to keep me in the mid-atlantic region. Which really isn't that small of an area......... which means Nix's opportunities to develop his career are dwindling.
4) I think it would be really fun to be on this project though, it was my baby. I did all this research about the university and I basically know exactly where the project site is and even thought to myself, "Oh sweet I'll get to see the greenhouse that's across the street!" Yea. I was in deep with this project.
5) Nix. His career. What will this mean for him? What about us? When I told him what my boss's boss said his first reaction was "Yuck..." I'm honestly hurt.
6) One of my oldest friends that I have told got all "is that really what's best for you" when I was saying how I want to move back to Indiana and is all "but what about your career" and I'm all, it's not just about me any more. It has to be about Nix too. We're getting MARRIED. And I just got a little more annoyed than I probably should have.... but then I said I was going to go to bed soon. That was like, 20 minutes ago. Whoops.
7) This opportunity with my alma mater in Indiana. That job just sounds AWESOME and wonderful and an excellent opportunity. It would put my career on a completely different path, and it would give me the chance to see if I actually want to teach this stuff to college kids. (I have had this "thing" in the back of my head for several years now that I wouldn't mind being a professor, but I have no idea if I'm any good at, or enjoy, teaching.)
8) My family: they're obviously supportive of this move to Maryland.
9) The job site is less than an hour drive from some pretty popular beaches.
11) The wedding. I want to be in Indiana. Nix. I want to be near him before the wedding. Maryland, at least where I will be, is about 730 miles (roughly 12 hour drive) from Nix.

There's more, those are just what I can think of and put into words right now. I sent the place I interviewed with an email this afternoon and let them know that I was told this morning that I'll be moving to the next project at the beginning of August. I'm hoping that they understand what I'm trying to get at and tell me sooner rather than later if they want me or not. Because if they don't, fine, but I need to find a place to live and all that jazz. If they do, AWESOME, but I'll still need to find a place to live and what-not. My lease at this place ends on August 24th, so, I'm in a bit of a crunch. A small one, but it's still there...

I can't stress out about this. It won't do me any good. I'm going to go lay down now. This weekend will be busy... they apt complex is coming in to do inspections sometime starting on the 18th, I'm pissed because I don't know when they'll be in my place so I have to shut the cats up every day for who knows how long. And this means I have to hardcore clean this weekend. Ugh. I've been putting it off like the expert I am.... Dangit.

Anyway. Miss y'all, hopefully I'll be around more now that I'm done flying for a while.