I wonder what people would do if when I met them for the first time, I handed them little cards about me with answers to the typical questions.
"Where are you from?"
"What do you do?"
"What does your fiancé do?"
"Oh, so you don't live together? Where will you live once you're married?"
"How does that work? That must be pretty awful."
"I don't know how you guys manage it."

I get so annoyed with people. I told some friends on fb about Maryland. "Is this a permanent job? Would Nix move there with you? Would it change in October?" I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have told these girls what I do and I KNOW I told them several times over that we have talked about it and he would move to where I am unless I can find something in IN once we're married. gnueisfjealgjvmsoiehjdbsod.

Do you think people would think I'm rude if I were to hand them a little booklet of FAQs and make them read over it before they talk to me?

I think the real question is here.... Would I care if they did? No. I don't think so. I'm seriously tempted.

PS Monday came too early this week. I'm still not ready for it.