It's been at least 24 48 hours since I blogged last, and I'm waiting for people to call me back (I just called them in the last 15 minutes, I'm not about to be one of those people) so, I shall blog.

I've been thinking about the possibilities that are rapidly nearing their deadlines/dates. The university job is supposed to get back to me at the end of the month. I've been planning on giving my current company 4 weeks notice, and then taking 2 weeks off in between jobs. One of my coworkers knows that I'm "exploring my options" and said that the guy that quit on his job site was asked to leave that day. So now I'm torn.

I'm torn because I want to keep this bridge with my company - not so I could ever work for them again - but because I really enjoy the company and I LIKE them, and for the most part, what I do. I've told them (a few times) that for my almost-husband to develop his career, we really need to be in ONE place, not "the mid-atlantic region" (which really goes from like, South Carolina up to about, oh, I don't know, Connecticut). Sorry, but how the hell can you expect him to have an actual career (not a "job") when I could be moving every year!? I digress.

I like the company. I like the people in the company. I know that when others have left the company, ties are pretty much severed, such is life. I get that. But I'm (hopefully) not going to a competitor, I'm (hopefully) going to a university where we do a LOT of recruiting, and come on. I'll have nothing but good things to say about the company and since I'm (hopefully) going to do some guest lectures, and I have had an awesome experience with them, why wouldn't I say all the good things and essentially promote them to the students?

So, my point here (man I'm doing a lot of noodling, I hope this post makes sense....) is that I'm concerned they'll essentially kick me out when I (hopefully) say that I've accepted an offer from the university and I know it's normally 2 weeks but I wanted to give you 4 so I could help wrap up the project and not leave you guys hanging. Why am I concerned? Because I'm planning on taking 2 weeks off in between jobs. So I would be without a paycheck for 6 weeks. Which, I'll be honest, scares me a bit. I have a savings built up, but I was/am planning on putting that towards a new-to-us car in the next 12-ish months. Oh. And moving expenses. Which, if I recall correctly, was about 3k to move my stuff from TX to VA. Ick.

So I'm trying to figure out ways to reduce my expenses. I can't cut cable (I don't have it), I only go out to lunch once a week, and only spend $10 (it's "girl's day" so the 4 ladies on the project site get together and go out for lunch and avoid work conversation at all costs).

I'm planning on turning up my a/c so it's not running as often, & unplugging crap I don't need plugged in 24/7. I'm not letting myself go shopping anymore unless it's for food stuffs. And I really need to eat the food stuffs I have in my cabinets. I have so many freaking cans of soup....

I'm going to try and sell some clothes and stuff I have that I don't use any more. Maybe put it on craigslist or take my clothes to a 2nd hand place like Plato's Closet (I know I wouldn't get much, but something is better than nothing, right?).

The other option is to only give them 2 or 3 weeks notice. I know 4 weeks is generous, but I know 2 is "standard" and, it would mean one more paycheck. Any other ideas to save money? Someone else suggested I get a part-time job somewhere, but I can't do that right now - I work 60 hours a week and it would be pretty shitty of me to work somewhere for only 4-5 weeks.