4 months from today I will be getting married. 4 months and about 1 hr & 15 mins, actually, and we'll be wrapping up our ceremony.

And I still have no freaking clue where I will be living prior to that.

My lease is up August 24. Work wants me to fly back to HQ for training in July. I said that wouldn't work because of all the stuff that's going on here. Okay, so we'll wait until after I have moved. No biggie there.

Except I'm still freaking waiting to hear back from the university and honestly, with everything that I still need to get done wedding-related, I'm starting to feel a little sick. How the hell am I going to finish it all? I told Nix that "the important stuff will get finished and if it doesn't get finished it won't be important".

I wish I could believe myself.

And now there's some MAJOR family drama going on with his younger brother.... I can't post about that yet. It's been all up in the air and then it kind of bubbled over yesterday.... no idea where it's going to go, but don't worry, I'll tell you when I can. (I know, I'm mean for teasing you. Sorry.)

And let's see... I've been trying REALLY hard not to say "we've talked for x amount of time this week/month", but it's freaking hard not to, especially when I just realized we haven't had a non-text conversation since this past Thursday. (See what I mean? Why can't I just be happy with the contact we do have, you know?

But seriously. Why the heck does all of this crap have to happen right now? I'm stressed enough as it is about the wedding and my family and moving, and, oh yea, forgot to mention this one. My family wants to do a vacation up to Minnesota to visit my grandpa in August. I LOVE Grandpa. I LOVE visiting the cabin, I haven't been in a few years. But seriously? AUGUST?! We try and go when the cousins go, so it's a big family to-do, but SERIOUSLY, guys?! And I know I'll get crap for saying I don't know if I can yet because I could be MOVING right then. And, oh yea. I'd love it if Nix could come, but I doubt they'll (namely my sister) be okay with him coming too and then I'll be all, WE'RE GETTING MARRIED. HE'S PART OF OUR FREAKING FAMILY. DEAL WITH IT.

I seriously don't even know what to do any more. Running is not really helping relieve the stress, but I can keep trying, I guess... I've got a 5k coming up a month from tomorrow, so I've got that to look forward to.

Why is everything piling up on me right now?