I can tell you guys this because you don't know him. Since apparently it's on radio silence until her parents know. Which is supposedly going to be tonight... but I didn't fall asleep until 3am because of all of this.

Last night J & RR sat down with his family. She's pregnant.

1) I'm not surprised
2) I'm pissed

I thought there were more numbers on how I feel, but, no. Now that I've had a sleep, that's about it.

I'm not surprised because I'm betting they conceived at the end of June, which was probably when they decided "let's just get married". I'm not surprised because although I don't know her that well, based on everything I DO know, she's in the "gotta get pregnant to keep the guy around" and she knows perfectly well that with J, he'll marry her because there's a baby. Which they have decided to keep, and adoption isn't an option.

I'm pissed for a few reasons. Let's see:
1) Getting her pregnant, IMO, just sealed his "not going to music school" coffin.
2) He even admitted he didn't want to be a welder forever, but I have a feeling this pretty much cements that he will be.
3) Nix & I are doing all of this crap the "right" way - but now because of his younger brothers idiotic actions, won't be the first in his family to get married, and won't give his parents their first grand baby. (I'm fully aware that this one is petty and stupid, but it's how I'm still feeling)
4) I also know that even though I am livid with J & RR, when that baby is born, I won't be able to contain myself. I freaking love babies. How can I not? So I'm going to love the crap out of that kid, but still be pissed at his/her parents. Yes. I fully expect I'll do the "glaring evil eyes at the parents" and then turn to the baby and just coo and smile and giggle all over it. It will be sickening.
5) I'm afraid that any of this drama that's still going on will flow over into our wedding in October.
6) Nix & I have decided that because we don't really trust J any more, he'll still be "Best Man" but basically have absolutely no best man duties. We will carry our own rings, and, right now (this may change, it may not, I don't know) if he wants to give a speech/toast, it will have to be approved by us or his parents.
7) Their reasoning for wanting to get married (prior to baby) is STILL pissing me off. Apparently working/schooling for 50-60 hours a week means they "wouldn't ever see each other" and J even had the balls to say that he "doesn't do long distance well". WTF. Since when is 2 minutes long distance?! (I know, I know, I get mad at people who say x amount of time or miles isn't LD, but these two both have cars, both are healthy, so they can drive or walk the distance to each other's house in you know, 10-15 minutes.)
8) repeat #3 again.
9) I know it's our choice, and I do not regret our choice, but whatthehell. Is everyone on the planet having sex but us?
10) I was up until 3am over this shit because I couldn't fall asleep because all I freaking wanted was a hug because of reasons 1-9. (Honestly, mostly #3 and #8.) And then a whole different pils of emotions that I can't even put into words. Basically, there was some ugly crying and it just wasn't good.

I think that's it, really. At least, those are all of the reasons why I'm still pissed about this.

I need a drink and a hug and... dammit. I don't even know when I will see Nix again before the wedding.

We're due for some good news, right? This means that the university will call me this week.... right??? I can't keep doing this. I'm about to give up and say "screw it, Nix, I'm going to move to Maryland. If you want to live with me, this is where I'll be."